Monday, June 1, 2009

Student Life Summer Camp Day 1

All is well. We made it today about 3:30 got checked in and then headed to dinner. Worship was great. You can view it online live starting tomorrow at 7:00p.m. Remember you can also send your students and/ or friends emails. Go to and on the bottom left corner click on find your student at camp. I will have video/ pictures tomorrow. One picture to come is the amount of food we bought. Just to give you an idea we bought 64 2 liters to spread around the rooms!!!! Can we say caffeine hype.

Please pray for us and for God to work. Also pray for our bus driver Kari. Him and his wife are going through some problems and he opened up to me today. Pray that we can minsiter to him!!! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for each of you and know God has a great week in store.God is good!


    Give Landon a kiss for Papa and Honey!!!!
