Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Texas Trip

This site will be updated daily starting Friday 4/2 on our mission trip to Texas. In order to read and see the pictures you just need to go to the site. However if you would like to make comments you will need to create an account which is FREE and EASY. Please keep the team in your prayers:

Chris Watson
Lisa Watson
Landon Watson
Jim Castleberry
Jamie Pope
Molly McBride
Morgan Byne
Brook Heard
Hannah Lentz
Natalie Tripp
Josiah Helms
Caleb Castleberry
Hunter Spivey
Kerith Helms
Robert McBride
Kerstin Byne
Stephanie Powell
Trista Underwood
Nicole Sipe
Nathan Sipe

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Legit Quote

"He (Jesus) also refused to be guided by anything other than his high call. His heart was purposeful. Most lives aim at nothing in particular and achiece it. Jesus aimed at on goal- to save humanity from it's sin. He could summarize his life with one sentence: The son of man came to seek and save the lost. Jesus was so focused on his task that he knew when to say, 'my time has not yet come,' and when to say 'it is finished." But he was not so focused on his goal that he was unpleasant!" Just Like Jesue by Max Lucado.

May we all know what our purpose is as we go through today and tomorrow, if the Lord would allow. But may we not be so selfish and focus on our/ His purpose (although worthy and good) that we become unpleasant!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

KNOCK the ME out of ME

This past week I heard Bill Stafford say "God wants to knock the me out of me." How true is that. When we look at God's Word we are told daily to die to ourself. God tells us it is no longer us living but Him living through us. But the struggle is for us to daily yield to Him. We have to die to ourself. We know God's word says to offer our bodies as living sacrifices however the problem is that the bodies are living meaning we have the tendancy to walk away. I want to be a living sacrifice always giving myself to Christ so it is Him living, not me. I want to wake up with the prayer, "God live through me today, may all you are take over who I am and may others only see Christ." But it's a constant state of dying. It doesn't just happen before we go to school or work but constantly dying to ourself. What about you, do you want Him to CONTINIOUSLY live through you? What steps are you taking to die to SELF?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

We Often Have it Backwards!!!

We(me included) Often Have it Backwards!!!!

Our friend has hurt our feelings, our SS teacher said something that made us mad, someone did something or said something you would have never thought they would, your teacher is not being “fair,” your parents in your eyes expect way to much out of you than you think they should, and I am sure you can think of more. With these and others what is the usual process that happens as we deal with such things. Let me take a shot at it as I see it often.

1) First we get so mad and fuming we can hardly think. The problem consumes us making us ineffective and quite frankly a jerk to those that come in contact with us.
2) As we are fuming we begin to tell our closest friends what happened and begin to gossip about it and put little hints on facebook to let people know what’s going on so they know why we are mad and so we can gain sympathy.
3) Then when we are at church or out wherever we get with our friends that know what’s going on and secretly talk about it and maybe laugh and if it deals with someone else we laugh about that person not realizing all the people we have now brought into this situation.
4) You or your friends come up with a game plan on how to fix the situation, however often not wanting a solution because we want to be mad or frustrated. We want to waive our flag of self pity and continue to fume.
5) In the end what happens is often not good. Maybe a blow up ensues with the person that hurt you or you are mad at. And maybe you don’t talk for weeks or more or you don’t acknowledge that the person even exists.
6) In the end nothing good has come out of it. Just another situation where you became angry, gossiped, fumed, and now has a fractured relationship with your parents, friend, enemies, or whoever.

May I suggest whatever is going on in your life and whatever is happening as you read this right now, that you STOP AND PRAY FOR THE SITUATION AND THE PERSON YOU ARE DEALING WITH. Why is it prayer is often the last thing we do when Jesus told us it was the first thing to do? Why do we not pray for our friends, family, church, youth group, lost friends etc? Whatever you are dealing with STOP AND PRAY NOW. Not just once but often. Remember God’s promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that if we humble, PRAY, seek and turn, then he would hear, heal, and forgive. I want to become a person who is praying for God to do what only he can do, to fix relationships only he can fix, to save only those he can save, and do use us…. What about you? Would you join me in praying big and expect God to answer and not give up until HE does? If so start now!!!! I would also challenge you to join us on Monday’s at 7:15 in the youth room for a time of prayer. Any excuse will do I know but do you want it?